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Reggio Homeschooling

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

The Reggio Emilia approach to homeschooling is inspired by the renowned educational philosophy originating in the town of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Central to this approach is the belief in the child as a capable and curious individual, capable of constructing their own knowledge through exploration, experimentation, and interaction with their environment. In the homeschooling context, this philosophy empowers parents to create a learning environment that nurtures their child's natural curiosity and creativity, fostering a love for learning that extends beyond traditional academic subjects.

Totally Unique, Every Time The Reggio Emilia Approach originated in the town of Reggio Emilia (Italy) after WWII, started by psychologist Loris Malaguzzi and parents from surrounding villages. Their motivation was to create a cooperative early childhood education experience for the local children. This is an inspired approach, not a method, as there are no books, original curriculum, or training for educators. It should never look the same in any two places because it is relationship-driven, custom-designed, and community-inspired. This approach focuses on learning during the preschool and primary school periods. Child Led One hallmark of the Reggio Emilia homeschooling style is its emphasis on child-led learning experiences. Rather than adhering strictly to a predetermined curriculum, parents act as facilitators, observing their child's interests, questions, and discoveries and using them as springboards for further exploration. This approach honors the unique interests and learning pace of each child, allowing them to take ownership of their educational journey and pursue areas of study that truly captivate their imagination. Reggio-Inspired Homeschool will focus on the child’s interests (very similar to the Montessori and “Unschooling” methods). It encourages development of respect, responsibility, discovery, self-guided learning, and community building. Children learn from their own interests, how they relate to the world through interactions with others, and from the environment. Parents are there to support their children and help them get the resources they need to dig into their interests. Group work and experiences with others all participating in questions and finding their own answers is prominent. The parents are not the ones to disseminate information and knowledge. The children should acquire answers on their own through asking questions, investigating, and exploring. Learning is very sensorial in a Reggio-Inspired environment.


Another key aspect of the Reggio Emilia homeschooling style is the use of open-ended materials and rich sensory experiences to support children's learning and development. Parents often provide a variety of natural materials, art supplies, and tools that encourage children to express themselves creatively and engage in hands-on learning activities. Through these experiences, children develop not only academic skills but also social-emotional competence, problem-solving abilities, and a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around them.

Beauty Like the Waldorf and Montessori methods, the learning environment should be designed with beauty and natural materials being the gold standard. The children’s work should be put on display and carefully documented. The children should not be limited in how they express themselves. They should be encouraged to use any form of media, materials, or design to communicate what they have learned. This is grounded in the belief that children should have no limits on the ways they express themselves.

Overall, the Reggio Emilia homeschooling style offers a holistic approach to education that honors children as capable, curious individuals and empowers parents to create a learning environment that reflects and celebrates their child's unique strengths and interests.

Get more info Find more information on Reggio-Inspired and Project-Based Learning homeschooling on the following websites:

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